Wednesday, December 8, 2010

nid danish !!

7.12.2010.. aq start knl dye..fistly aq mmg tao dye pngkid..p aq wat dek coz aq ase maybe if aq ngan pengkid aq ley hepy..p mmg hepy start kwn ngan pengkid balik pon coz aq da x nk ngan laky..frust kta kan an..ahahahahahaa..k ar..first aq knl nid..dye sombong..mmg sombong giler..p last2 dye bwu uke ngan start chat ngan dye..dye pon open..hahahaa..n aq pon ckp aq suke dye..n dye suwoh bgi 5 reason..ahahahhaaa..p pew yg aq bgi reason kt dye mmg btol..lpas tuh dye n aq nk da dpt no dye..ahahaha..hepy gilerr kowt..ase cam nk melompat pon ade time tuh..ahahhaha..time aq otw g kdai .. aq call dye n tibe2 ade kua kymak jew dye ckp..sumpah saket aty..p ble aq ingat blik ape yg nid tergelak kowt..rupe2 nye yg ckp tuh voicemail bkn pon start mcj dye..n aq pon topup 10 rgt coz aq nk wat super saver..first aq wat super saver mmg fun glerr..n second aq wat..kte owg da x hepy cgt..coz aq call dye n waiting..pergghh..mmg saket x kesa..coz aq pon tao aq chape an..n then aq pon tytow off fon smpai tgh ary..tbe2 ble aq on aq dpt msj .. biy , bgon!! aq x tao dye sala sent kew ape..pastuh kte owg nk jmp..p x jdi..ntah arw x tao sebab ape..n mlm tdie aq terbace wall nid..ahahahhaa..dye ngan nurul .. terasa gaka pon x tao npe aq terasa..ntah arw..n aq tulis kt wall yg aq x dew mood, tbe2 nid ckp sbb dye kew?aq ckp x.. n dye tewos off .. aq call dye..n ckp tettttt*** ahahahahhahaa.. pastuh aq n dye on balik..tbe2 npk dye in relation with ayu aww..perghh.mmg sentap..ahhaahhaaa..

yaya..lupe an jew nid danish tuh..ko x an dpt..faham !!
dye taken n x an plih ko..
              i luv u nid danish !!
dlm jangke mase yg pendek,awak buat hati saya tertawan pada awak.skrg, saya suke awak,sayang awak even,awak teragak2 utk jd saya punye..i always with you,no wonder you susah ke senang ke . sbb,awak org yg pertama buat sy rase fall in love balik.bile sy baru break up with my ex
